Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Rock of Ages XBLA Review

Rock of Ages (Xbox 360)
Published By: ATLUS
Developed By: ACE Team
Released on: August 31, 2011
Price: 800 MSP

Throughout history, war has been an ever-changing machine. Battlefield tactics can change at any time, and a strategy that seems utter nonsense today could be the very key to winning tomorrow. ACE Team realized that truth, and it seems they have decided "Well, why not just bowl everything down with a whopping big boulder?".

Starting out with a Monty-Python style cinematic, Rock of Ages tells the story of Sisyphus, eternally bound to push a boulder up a hill only to have it roll back down the hill every time (after being speared in the tush by an imp each time, no less). He grows tired of this constant repetitive torture, and decides to storm the gates of Hades with his boulder.

Rock of ages is a real-time strategy/action/bowling/tower-defense game where the objective is to roll your boulder down a long and winding path through enemy defenses, and impact their castle gate with enough force to shatter it. After each crack at it (excuse the pun) a new boulder must be built, which gives you time to set up your own defenses, because (surprise!) your enemy has a boulder of his own, and he will stop at nothing to destroy YOUR gates as well.

Defenses in rock of ages include guard towers, catapults, villages, and roaming herds of cattle, with many more surprises to find along the way. You also have a massive catapult that you can use to attack the enemy boulder directly, however you must lead your target and time the shot just right. A few good hits and your foe will be gravel at your feet. Don't get too comfy though, as your enemy can rebuild just as fast as you can.

Multiplayer in Rock of Ages can be played either in two-player splitscreen, or over Xbox Live. Two players can go boulder-to-boulder in War mode, or face off in Skeeball, where the objective is to race down an obstacle-filled course, and land your ball in one of the target holes, earning points depending on which one you land in. A point bonus goes to the player who scores first as well.

Rock of ages is a well-rounded title which can provide plenty of action and laughs in single player, and it certainly gathers no moss in multiplayer. Whether you are facing off against your friends or trying to beat your best times in Time Trial, you're in for a rolling good time.

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