Tuesday, September 20, 2011

E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy Review

E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy PC
Published By: Streum On Studio
Developed By: Streum On Studio
Date of Release: July 29, 2011

Well ladies and gentlemen, I must admit that I am stumped. I'm not sure how to review indie dev Streum On Studio's latest title, E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy. so instead I will describe the experience I have had while playing it.

E.Y.E starts out by asking you to chose gene sequences to define your character's traits. After you have decided on your character's attributes you start out in some sort of dream sequence/trance. After exiting the door in said dream/trance, you are immediately thrust into a combat situation against rival factions, and this is where I admittedly lost track of the plot. That's quite alright though, because at that point I got to experience the wonderful combat system.

Combat and inventory management in E.Y.E is a little bit Deus EX, a little bit System Shock. You are limited by what weapons/ammo/items you can fit into your inventory grid. I was able to carry a minigun, dual handguns, and a lovely katana into battle, along with plenty of ammo. The minigun just chews through your foes like nothing else, and at 500 rounds per clip, reloads are few and far between. Successfully dispatching enemies earn you "Brouzof" points, I'm still not sure what they do however.

Once you get past the initial missions in the game, and start to get your bearings, that is when you start to realize the vast scope of the developer's vision. It may not make a whole lot of sense, however you can still appreciate the intense Matrix on LSD vibe they have going. E.Y.E is a surreal experience that is not for everyone, but if you have a taste for a deep world with plenty of secrets to unravel, this may just be the game you have been looking for.

Hacking is an interesting feature in E.Y.E, it works out like a realtime battle whener you have to apply hacks and counterhacks, and stay one step forward of what it is that you are trying to gain access to, because every hackable item in the game, be it a door or a computer, can hack you back. In the case this happens, you are infected with a virus that you have to deal with before you can continue.

I have thoroughly enjoyed the time I have spent in the trippy world of E.Y.E, and my only real complaint is that you cannot save anytime/anywhere, instead the game saves your progress at predetermined checkpoints, and also when you enter a main hub. One of the devs assured me that this is so you have to consider your actions carefully, instead of just rushing in guns blazing.

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