Developed By: MonkeyPaw Games/Frozen Codebase
Published By: Konami
Date of Release: November 15, 2011
Price: $9.99
Way back in the early 80's if one was to step into an arcade, it would not be uncommon to see a bright orange cabinet with a burger-toting chef painted on the side. Said chef is none other than Peter Pepper, star of the classic BurgerTime. Sadly in this day and age, BurgerTime is mainly but a fond memory for arcade devotees, and if mentioned to younger gamers the name may merely cause a craving for fast food. However there is no need to fear, as MonkeyPaw Games has teamed up with Frozen Codebase to bring us BurgerTime: World Tour!
BurgerTime World Tour is a complete re-imagining of the original recipe which has been built from the bun up to satisfy the appetites of modern gamers. That is not to say that those who are searching for the distinct umami of nostalgia will go hungry, as the basic ingredients of gameplay have not been tampered with. The juicy patty has been gently seasoned with the finest graphical upgrades, and now it offers a whole new perspective of flavor.
In BurgerTime World Tour players once again guide chef Peter Pepper as he climbs to the top of the burger industry. Standing in his way are rival chefs, and an army of evil food items such as fried eggs, hot dogs, and stinky Limburger cheese. However these foes can be stunned with a blast of pepper, and thrown into the mix to create interesting burger creations that will give you bonus points. The object of the game is still the same: run over the tops of each burger ingredient to knock it down to the next platform, until the whole burger stacks at the bottom.
The main difference this time around is instead of being on a single screen, the stage is now a rotating cylinder. Various powerup items are also thrown into the mix, though their use is completely optional. At the end of each world you'll face off against a beefy boss battle that will test your burger-building skills. Rounding out this delectable meal like hot salty fries is the new multiplayer mode. Players can take their pick of chefs hailing from each country in the game (as well as a certain robot overlord from a rival site). At $9.99, Burgertime World Tour is definitely an extra value combo, and even the hungriest gamers won't need to supersize after they get through all 50 levels.