Developed By: PuppyGames
Published By: PuppyGames
Date of Release: February 3rd, 2011
Price: $4.99
Back in the glory days of arcade gaming one pioneering title was a must-play: Space Invaders. A simple affair, it had players piloting a tank to shoot down ranks of enemy invaders as they slowly descended towards earth. Since it was released many games have tried to successfully emulate the classic gameplay it offered. Titan Attacks! by PuppyGames is one such attempt, however it takes the general gameplay concepts of space invaders and makes them it's own through a wealth of tweaks and additions.
If you have played Space Invaders then you will feel immediately at home with Titan Attacks!, with it's familiar descending queues of alien spacecraft waiting for you to blow them apart. The graphics are of the usual awesome caliber you would expect from PuppyGames, with plenty of retro flair. The music is also quite amazing, offering a wonderful techno-industrial soundscape to keep your ears happy as you dispatch your otherworldly foes.
Between each wave of enemies you have the option to use the money you collect to upgrade your tank, and after grinding a few levels you will have quite a death-dealing war machine at your disposal. With it's stylish retro-modern sensibilities and compelling gameplay, Titan Attacks! is definitely worth it's $4.99 asking price.