Developed By: Rich Make Game!
Published By: Rich Make Game!
Date of Release: February 02, 2012
Price: $9.99 (Steam)
Ahhhhhh, the good old twin-stick shooter! Ever since Robotron 2084 hit the scene the genre has take off with such successful hits as Smash TV, Total Carnage, and Geometry Wars. And now here in 2012 we have Rich Make Game!'s Pineapple Smash Crew. The object of Pineapple Smash Crew is simple: BLOW SH*T UP! Players take control of a 4-man team of mercenaries who have been tasked with various missions which take place on randomly generated levels. Players have a standard machine gun attack at their disposal, as well as a massive variety of grenades to choose from.
The graphics of Pineapple Smash Crew are quite incredible, managing to convey the charm of retro 8-bit goodness in full 3D. I find the general graphical design quite similar to the original Megaman Legends, which is always a good thing. The soundtrack (by chiptune master Syphus) is mindblowingly awesome as well, and for those who are interested the entire album can be purchased on bandcamp.
The only thing that Pineapple Smash Crew lacks is multiplayer, however as it was made by a one man team it is an understandable omission. The replayability of the randomly generated missions more than makes up for the lack of multiplayer. With it's tight controls, charming graphics, stunning soundtrack, and all-around awesome gameplay, Pineapple Smash Crew is definitely worth your 10 bucks. I say go for it!