Developed By: Oyaji Games
Published By: Creat Studios
Date of Release: January 10, 2012
Price: $4.99
It has been a good while since I have had a decent turn based wargame to play on the road. Ever since finishing all of the Advance Wars, Fire Emblem, Super Robot Taisen and similar series, I have been left with a void to fill. I am happy to announce that Mecho Wars fills that void quite nicely, managing to look absolutely stunning as it does so.
Filled with the lush artworks of Luc Bernard, Mecho Wars does little to differentiate itself from the games it pays homage to, thought that is not a bad thing at all in my opinion. If you've played Advance Wars in any of it's incarnations you will feel instantly at home with it's grid based tactical maps and splitscreen battles. The controls are tight, the interface is clean and easy to understand, and the hand drawn graphics are a joy to look at.
My only real complaint about Mecho Wars is that there is no option at all for online multiplayer, though there is a serviceable local hotseat option that gets the job done. The difficulty of the campaign is just right, and a detailed tutorial will help immerse any newcomers into the genre. If you're looking for a good bit of turn based warfare that you can pick up and play on a quick bus ride or play while kicking back in front of your tv, Mecho Wars is your game!