Thursday, July 27, 2023

Rise of The Triad Ludicrous Edition Review

Rise of The Triad Ludicrous Edition
Developed By: Apogee Software, Nightdive Studios
Published By: Apogee Entertainment, New Blood Interactive
Date of Release: July 31, 2023
Price: $19.99

Disclosure: I recorded the SC-55 tracks for this remaster, but that has no bearing on my review, RoTT is badass either way!

Rise of The Triad certainly holds a special place in the hearts of PC gamers. Developed by the legendary studio Apogee Software and released in 1994, this classic FPS quickly gained a cult following due to its breakneck speed, over-the-top action, and quirky sense of humor. Even today, this classic gem remains a standout example of old-school gaming. And now in the year 2023 the efforts of Apogee Entertainment, Nightdive Studios, and New Blood Interactive have all come together to resurrect this absolutely timeless classic.

At its core, Rise of The Triad follows the traditional FPS formula, but with a delightful twist. Players take on the role of a member of the High-risk United Nations Taskforce (H.U.N.T.), tasked with infiltrating the secret island base of the evil Triad organization. Players can choose their preferred character at the beginning of the the game from one of five unique characters, each with their strengths and weaknesses. The original Hunt Begins shareware episode starts off the party, and the lengthy main game campaign which consists of 32 action-packed levels rounds out the experience. Add to that the Extreme RoTT campaign, as well as a whole new episode crafter by industry veterans. All these included episodes are filled with hordes of enemies, traps, and secret areas, which makes quite a satisfying experience. The level design tends to emphasize verticality along its mazelike structure, with plenty of floating and moving platforms and jumps that demand precise timing. This adds a unique flavor to the gameplay, setting it apart from many other FPS titles of its time.

What truly sets Rise of The Triad apart from the games that inspired it at the time is the blistering speed and non-stop action of its gameplay. Running and strafing at breakneck pace, players must face an array of enemies, from standard foot soldiers to bizarre bosses, all played by members of the original development team and digitized into the game. Moreover, the game introduces an impressive variety of weapons, including handguns, rocket launchers, and the infamous "Excalibat" – a powerful baseball bat with a devastating home run swing. Add to that some crazy whacked out powerups such as God mode, magic mushrooms that make your screen go wild and your shots even wilder, and even a Dog Mode where you become a massively powerful doggo, and you can see why this game had a reputation for cheeky humor.

Though certainly dated by todays standards, for its era Rise of The Triad showcased cutting-edge graphics. The game utilized the Wolfenstein 3D engine, but it improved upon it significantly. The environments were colorful, detailed, and effectively conveyed the game's distinctive atmosphere. The sound design also deserves praise. The game's soundtrack featured energetic and adrenaline-pumping tunes, perfectly complementing the high-speed gameplay. Additionally, the sound effects were satisfying and memorable, with plenty of digitized voice samples for the enemies (some even beg you to spare them!), and absolutely bombastic weapon sounds, all coming together to add an extra layer of immersion to the overall experience. On the topic of the soundtrack, the Ludicrous Edition preserves both the OPL3 MIDI soundtrack as well as a freshly recorded version of Roland Sound Canvas SC-55 version. On top of that Andrew Hulshult's masterful arrangement from Rise of The Triad 2013 is also included, and players can choose between the three options at any time during gameplay, as well as listen to them through the built in jukebox.

With this remastered Ludicrous Edition, the developers have managed to restore a massive amount of cut content that never made it into the original game such as additional enemies (there are female guards now!), new levels, new HUDS and weapon sounds, as well as adding better lighting and full support for modern resolutions and uncapped framerates. The smoothed-out gameplay makes Rise of The Triad feel even more fluid than before if that can be believed. It just goes to show once again how versatile Nightdive's KEX engine is. There's also the GZDoom based Return of The Triad campaign included as a separate executable that you can choose when you launch the game. The lengths that they went to just to include all these extras is a seriously impressive feat, and really makes the package worth it.

There is no doubt at all that Rise of The Triad remains an enduring classic in the world of PC gaming. Its unique pedigree very much set it apart from other FPS titles of its time, and that still holds true to this day. Despite its age, the game's timeless charm and engaging gameplay make it a must-play for retro gaming enthusiasts. The work that everyone involved put into this remaster is frankly awe-inspiring, and is certainly a benchmark for what a remaster of a game like this should be. Whether you're nostalgic for the '90s or a newcomer who wants to cut your teeth on classic shooters, Rise of The Triad Ludicrous Edition is a game worth experiencing.

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