Monday, March 7, 2016

Rocket League Review

Rocket League (Xbox One)
Developed/Published By: Psyonix
Date of Release: February 17, 2016

Soccer with cars. Just let that sink in. Soccer with an oversized ball, and motor vehicles instead of players. This is Rocket League in a nutshell, and it's by far not your dad's game of footy. The matches in Rockey League are played fast and furious, and the order of the day is pulling off wicked stunts while you score. Even if it does sound absolutely bizarre on paper, in execution it's handled quite flawlessly.

Rocket League is a 4 on 4 experience, and literally all there is to it is trying to land mad stunts while scoring on your opponents goal. That would get old after a while if the controls weren't so damn tight, and the fluid gameplay also helps out. It's not often that a game takes a concept as bizarre as this and succeeds so smashingly. it's one of those games that you get going with your friends and ends up being "just one more round and we'll stop", and the next thing you know it's 3am.

At the end of the day Rocket League is really the only game of it's sort, so there's nothing else to really compare it to. And that's just fine, because in this day of sports games being recycled retreads of the previous year's detritus, a bit of originality is all it needs to hold it's own even without competition. Even if you're not a fan pf sports games, Rocket League is un-sports enough to please anyone who is looking for a good dose of competitive action.