Developed By: Oddworld Inhabitants/Just Add Water
Published By: Just Add Water
Date of Release: December 27, 2011
Price: $14.99
"Shortly thereafter, a stranger arrives in town..."
Back when the first incarnation of Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath was first released on the original Xbox back in 2005 it was met with much fan adoration and critical acclaim. It masterfully blended first person shooting and third person platforming, seamlessly coming together to form one of the most memorable adventures in a series known for it's amazing oddities. And now developer Just Add Water has brought it back kickin' and cussin' into the HD era with Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD on the Playstation 3.
Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath HD is a western themed adventure starring a grizzled panther-like bounty hunter known only as the Stranger. The Stranger seems keen on bagging any bounty he can in an effort to save up enough Moolah to pay for a mysterious life-saving surgery that he needs to keep on living and doing what he does. The plot may sound tired and cliched at first, however the story is worth sticking around for as the twists and turns along the way keep things interesting.
Most of the time in Stranger's Wrath you'll be galloping around in the third person mode bagging bounties, switching in and out of first person view when you need to do some precision shooting. And thanks to the game's live ammo system, said shooting is quite a bit more interesting than you'd expect. The Stranger has a crossbow that fires two kinds of critters at a time, from the shocking surprise of the Zapbugs to the trash-talking Chippunks you'll find an ammo type for pretty much any situation. The gameplay and story flow nicely together, and the upgraded visuals are just icing on the cake. Just as it was when it first released on the Xbox, Oddworld Stranger's Wrath HD is well worth your time and money.
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