Saturday, February 22, 2025

Tomb Raider IV-VI Remastered Review

Tomb Raider IV-VI Remastered
Developed by: Aspyr, Crystal Dynamics
Published by: Aspyr
Date of Release: February 14, 2025
Price: $29.99

Well here we are yet again with a quality remaster from Aspyr who could have known? One year after the successful release of Tomb Raider I - III Remastered, we have this second package launching with The Last Revelation, Chronicles, and The Angel of Darkness. And just like last time this release makes playing these classic titles an absolute joy, even if one of them is not quite up to the quality of previous titles. I'm looking at you, Angel of Darkness. As with the previous collection, this new batch of remasters have had a fair amount of cut content restored and are by far the definitive way to play all three titles.

Just as with the first Tomb Raider collection, this second package has upgraded the visuals, though the visual updates to Angel of Darkness are very subtle at best. The Last Revelation and Chronicles by far received the most improvements, having gone from PlayStation era graphics to the modern style of the remaster.  Angel of darkness stays much closer to it's PS2 style of graphics, so much so that it's hard to keep track of which version you're playing until you look at fine details. Either way though it's really nice to once again be able to swap between the artstyles with the touch of a button. Not only that but you can play the retro mode in 60fps this time around rather than 30fps (it's a toggle in the menu), which would be a welcome addition to the original trilogy if Aspyr ever decides to update them.

Also matching the first remaster collection, the modern controls are a much needed improvement over the dated tank controls of the original. Of course if you're feeling like some nostalgic masochism you can switch back at any time to the old style of gameplay. Altogether this is a lovely collection and definitely worth playing, but it's just a shame that even with all the cut content restored to Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness it still falls flat. Also there are pretty much no graphical settings on the PC at all, simply defaulting to your monitor's native resolution, what is up with that? Despite that minor shortcoming I still highly recommend it. Now where is the 60fps patch for the first collection, Apsyr?

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