Developed By: Rare
Published By: Microsoft
Date of Release: August 4, 2015
Price: $29.99
Ahhh Rare... Since 1985 they have been delivering gaming goodness on various home game consoles, and now for the first time ever they have released a compilation of their finest works (that were not Nintendo franchises!) for the Xbox One console. with 30 games in total, Rare Replay spans their entire history and has more than a few incredible gems, many of which are hard as hell to find in their original forms. While nostalgia is a driving force in this compilation, it is undeniable that most of the games aside from a few of the older one hold up incredibly well in this day and age.

Rare has long been known for crafting some of the finest games ever on Nintendo's home consoles, and other than the Donkey Kong franchise as well as Goldeneye (thanks Activision!) pretty much every good game they ever put out is present and accounted for. In fact, at the time of this writing, Rare Replay has ensured that the Xbox One has more playable Nintendo 64 games than Nintendo's own Wii U currently has. The irony is strong in this one. Anyway, the complete list of 30 games is pretty damn impressive, let me lay them out for you.
It all started here folks! Build your rocket and fuel it up!
Atic Atac
Find the key and escape the labyrinth!
Lunar Jetman
Blow up your enemies and pilot the moon rover!
Sabre Wulf
The first Sabreman adventure! Escape the maze! Evade the Wulf!
Sabreman returns in this puzzle platformer!
Knight Lore
Sabreman marks his final outing here, as he searches for a cure for his lycantrophy.
There's a new sheriff in town... ok that was incredibly cliche.
Slalom marked Rare's first console outing, as well as being the first Western developed NES game.
R.C. Pro-Am
R.C. Pro-Am is one of the finest RC car simulators on the NES!
Battletoads (NES)
I dunno about this one, best call Gold & Silver Pawn Shop for details. 1-702-385-7912. Ask for Rick.
Cobra Triangle
It's R.C. Pro-Am with boats. And guns. Very good stuff.
Snake Rattle N Roll
Isometric snakes. No, that's not a British punk band.
Digger T. Rock
Another puzzle platformer. Can you dig it?
Solar Jetman
Another well made shooter.
R.C. Pro-Am II
R.C. Pro-Am: The Sequel. 'nuff said.
Battletoads Arcade
Battletoads just got bigger, badder, and Battley-er!
Killer Instinct Gold
The amazing N64 port of Killer Instinct 2. ONLY ON NINTENDO ULTRA 64!
Blast Corps
Blow shit up to clear a path for a nuke on a truck. What more could you ask for?
Banjo-Kazooie marked the beginning of Rare's obsession of collectathon games, which is not a bad thing at all.
Jet Force Gemini
Jet Force Gemini is one of the finest third-person shooters on the N64, and here it shows up with modern controls and a widescreen HD facelift.
Perfect Dark
This is arguably a better FPS than Goldeneye. Which makes it pretty effing sweet.
Bear and Bird return to COLLECT ALL THE THINGS!
Conker’s Bad Fur Day
This is basically a genre-defying game that stars the hung-over squirrel incarnation of Al Bundy. Despite beign released on a Nintendo console it contains massive leavels of raunch, profanity, and singing poo. No, not slinging poo. Grow up, you little #%^&$#@!
Grabbed by the Ghoulies
Depending on who you ask, this is either the BEST or the WORST Xbox game, and the first released by Rare after Microsoft bought them out.
Kameo: Elements of Power
One of the Sbox 360 launch titles, this gorgeous platformer sticks closely to Rare's grandiose traditions.
Perfect Dark Zero
An awesome shooter from the Xbox 360, no longer plagued by its horrendous screen tearing.
Viva Piñata
A colorful garden management sim. This is about as zen and peaceful as it gets.
Jetpac Refuelled
Jeatpac is back!
Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts
An amazing vehicular adventure, sadly trashed by many because it's not a platformer.
Viva Piñata: Trouble in Paradise
More pinatas! More fun! Woooooo!

So there we have it. Rare has assembled the best of the best for this fine package, and with the additions of unlockable documentaries on the making of the games and the like, it's really a fully rounded package. Even without all the goodies it's still a solid 30 games for $30, so it's an incredible value. If you have an Xbox One and you care at ALL about decent gaming, pick rare Replay up pronto!