Developed By: Nihon Falcom
Epic Localization Programming By: Sara Leen
Published By: XSEED
Date of Release: February 14, 2013
Price: $14.99
Back in 2011 when XSEED released Ys I & II Chronicles on the PSP, many fans called it the definitive version of the two titles which launched the epic series. At the time they were certainly right to do so. Chronicles was a port of the PC release Ys I & II Complete, which was an updated version of Ys I and II Eternal, which was a PC remake of Ys Books I & II for the TurboCD, which was a third party re-imagining by Hudson of Ys Books I & II for the PC-88. So now, the PSP version of Chronicles has been ported back to the PC and combined with all the goodness of Complete and Eternal, to create a fusion of a port and a remake of a port of a remake of a port of the original (wrapped in bacon). Eternal and Complete have been integrated tightly together into a delicious multi-layered Dagwood Sandwich of cleria-infused high fantasy. If you're still here and my crazy-ass attempt at an explanation hasn't fried your brain, then you'll understand when I say that Ys I & II Chronicles+ for PC is in fact the definitive release for these epic tales.
Thanks to the hard work and dedication of the amazing localization programmer Sara Leen, when you play Ys I & II Chronicles+ you have a nearly overwhelming set of options to tailor your experience to your liking. You have the option to play in a 4:3 ratio with the interface (and pretty frames) from Ys Eternal, or the minimalistic and clean widescreen interface from the PSP Chronicles release. Any resolution your monitor can handle is supported, and you have the option to smooth out the screen bilinear-style or use the original pixellicious unfiltered point rendering. After that there is the option to choose either the original Complete artwork, or the redrawn Chronicles style art. It should be noted that the artwork has been completely remastered for the higher resolutions possible on the PC, so you see much more of it then was possible on the tiny PSP screen. Last but not least you have the option to choose your soundtrack. Included are the bright and chippy FM-Synthesis MIDI stylings of the PC-88 original, the gently arranged tracks from Eternal/Complete, and finally the hard-riffing face-melting hair metal that is the Chronicles soundtrack. My favorite by far is the metal soundscape driven by Falcom's JDK Band, but tastes will differ.
Ys I & II Chronicles+ sticks to its roots as far as gameplay goes, with the familiar roguelike-esque combat system that involves merely bumping into your foes to attack. However be warned that rushing in head-on will only get you killed, you must hit your opponent at an angle or from the side to successfully deal any damage. This may feel strange to players who started with newer entries in the Ys Series, however it does not actually take long to get used to the bump and grind of the classic system. Ys II does add in a ranged magic attack that will be required by most boss battles, but for general combat melee attacks will suffice. Speaking of boss battles, as usual they are definitely one of the highlights. You will need to memorize the boss patterns if you want to beat them, as rushing in blindly will only serve to get you killed. I'll admit that I got lost in the driving force of the soundtrack a few times during my playthrough, which only lead to an untimely death from whatever boss I was facing at the moment. Getting amped up in the moment when playing on the higher difficulties can be fatal indeed.
Regardless of whether you are an Ys veteran or not, Ys I & II Chronicles+ is a worthy addition to the collection of any RPG fan, and also serves as a perfect starting point to those who are new to the series. These classic tales of swords and sorcery are steeped in rich lore, and have truly withstood the test of time. At this time these is no better way to experience these treasures, and I doubt that this effort will ever be topped. The trials, travels and tribulations of Adol the Red have been done great justice, and will live on forever as a testament to the hard work and dedication of all those involved in bring this fine series into bidding. I raise a toast to all the members of XSEED, Falcom, JDK Band, and also to you, my dear friend Sara. Now to all my readers, go forth and experience this timeless saga for yourselves!
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