Developed by: id Software
Published by: Bethesda Softworks
Date of Release: December 18, 2012
Price: $4.99
Well, here we are just over a year after Rage made it's debut. It seemed like over time id had just forgotten it's carnage-driven masterpiece, but thankfully that is not the case! This may seem like the longest time ever that a company has take to release an addon for a AAA title, but when the DLC is this good, it definitely shows that id Software wanted to take the time to make it just right. Two months past the one year anniversary of Rage's burning hot release we have the official addon pack, titled The Scorchers. And what a hot time it's gonna be!
The first thing that you'll notice about The Scorchers is that it adds an all new difficulty setting to the game, Ultra Nightmare. Choose this difficulty, and only the most hardcore have a hope of survival. Also available is the option to play past the ending, so you don't have to start from scratch to play the new content if you've already finished the campaign. Whichever way you start it, you're going to want to head to the door at the back of the Hagar settlement, and get this party started.
Not long after you start the DLC quest you will gain access to the awesome new weapon that id has added, the Nailgun. This at first may seem like a simple throwback to the Quake days, however once you start using it you'll find that it's much more, with interchangeable barrels that allow sniping with rebar, and railgun shots. Add to that a new bandit clan to fight, a new Mutant Bash TV adventure, and an option to replay your best battles, The Scorchers takes the Rage experience to a whole new level. It's available on PC, PS3 and Xbox 360, and after playing both the PC and PS3 versions I can say without a doubt it is worth the cash. So put on your asbestos underwear and get ready to heat things up!
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