Developed By: Croteam
Published By: Devolver Digital
Sales are in Support of: Fork Parker's Mustache Implant
Date of Release: October 16, 2012
Price: $9.99
Well here we are in October of 2012, just a month shy of the massively kick-asstastic Serious Sam 3:BFE's first anniversary. And what a kicking rad ride it has been, what with saving the world, kicking massive amounts of Mental Minion ass, fragging the bajeezus out of Ugh-Zan IV, and turning on all those generators to activate the Timelock. However things are not always quite as they seem, and when we rejoin our hero this time it seems he has quite a bit of unfinished business. Serious Business.
As it turns out in the first few minutes of Serious Sam 3: Jewel of The Nile, there is a failsafe override keeping the Timelock from fully activating. So it of course falls to our titular hero to once again save the day, all while continuing to paint the sandy canvas of Egypt red with his enemies blood. This DLC spans a total of 3 massive levels, and stars quite a few weapons that were only available as hidden secrets in the main campaign. Sam also gets a sweet fireaxe now instead of his old sledgehammer, so even if you run out of ammo you can still keep feeding the corpsepile.
Alltogether it took me a solid 3 hours to plow through the new missions, however I didn't poke around too much to look for secrets. Depending on your playstyle it could take you upwards of 4-5 hours if you stop to smell the roses. That's in solo play however, I'm sure a co-op team could storm the gates in record time, but where's the goddamn fun if you rush it? With Jewel of The Nile you have some awesomely brutal mobs of enemies to contend with, decently devious puzzles to solve, and plenty of sweet goodies to collect. Add a stack of new achievements into the mix, and this DLC shapes up to be well worth your ten bucks. So what are you waiting for? Time to get serious again!
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