Developed By: Gearbox Software
Published By: 2k Games
Date of Release: September 18, 2012
Price: $59.99
In the year 2009, the world was buried under the weight of a million bazillion guns. Gearbox Software released Borderlands, and with its randomizing loot system and RPG underpinnings, the world of first person shooters would never be the same again. And now in present day 2012, history seems poised to repeat itself. Borderlands 2 has blasted it's way onto the scene, with enough new guns to sink a grand armada of Titanics. Not to mention the biggest douchebag villain the gaming world has ever seen. It's time to crack open a can of whoopass and get this party rolling. Rolling in shell casings that is.
Now in my opinion the biggest flaw about Borderlands on the PC was the fact that it suffered from a severe case of consolitis. It had a tunnel-vision inducing low FOV (Field of View), and the mouse smoothing was no friend to gamers either. Mods eventually fixed these shortcomings, however it was never a perfect fix. Gearbox listened to the fans though, and Borderlands 2 is exactly how they put it themselves, a love letter to PC gamers. From the near-obscene level of graphical detail options, to the FOV slider right in the menu, they have done the art of PC game making justice. And this is before you even get in to play the freakin game!
Now I'm sure most of you out there have already read up on the different characters in borderlands 2 and have a good understanding of how they play out, with the exception of Salvador the Gunzetrker they are pretty similar to the heroes of the first game. In my opinion Salvador is the star of the show here, with his ability to kick massive ass by dual wielding any two guns you have in your possession. Wanna use a pair of shotguns that shoot rockets? Smoke 'em if you got 'em! Got a pistol and a shotgun? Rock em! Any combo of guns that crosses your mind is the order of the day. Just be sure to save some ammo to shove up Handsome Jack's nose. You know he'd do the same for you.
If you're feelin lonely trudging across Pandora on your own, don't despair. The amazing four-player co-op experience of the original game is back, but this time hosted on Steamworks servers. This means that there's a much smoother experience to be had compared to the Gamespy based original. And once you're done tearing Hyperion a new one, there's no reason to despair! A total of four DLC packs have been planned, and you can pick them all up at a discount now by buying the season pass! Be on the lookout for the Mechromancer character next month as well, she drops in on the 16th! Now, I highly doubt that my opinions are gonna change the minds of anyone out there, because any Borderlands fan worth their pile of ammo will have pre-ordered already to get the extra goodies. But if you're still on the fence, let me just say that Borderlands 2 is damn well worth your money.
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