Developed by: Capcom/Namco Bandai
Published By: Capcom
Date of Release: May 11, 2012
Price: $49.99
If there is one team of fighters out there who can stand like a rock in the face of all other franchises, it's the crew from Street Fighter. Over the years they have tackled the likes of the Uncanny X-Men, SNK, and then later the entire Marvel Universe. And now, the latest crossover battle has begun, with Street Fighter X Tekken! Pitting friends and foes from both universes against one another, the ultimate prize of Pandora's Box awaits!
Fans of both franchises are in for a treat, as the characters from their respective series play exactly as you would expect, which is an amazing feat considering the two distinctly different gameplay styles meshed together here. If you have the button inputs memorized for your favorite characters, then it will really help you out here! There are plenty of options for customization with unlockable gems that boost different attributes of your character, collect them all!
Unfortunately not everything here is coming up roses. The controller settings for one thing is quite frankly abhorrent. With my tried and true Sega Saturn USB pad I had two options: either accept the severely botched default button layout, or have the game glitch out and tell me that my "mapping is incomplete" if I tried to customize the layout. Same thing happened with my PS3 Mad Catz tournament stick. It seems only official Microsoft products are fully supported here, let's hope that Capcom will patch in some proper button mapping support. Other than that, this is a decent game, and I'd recommend trying it out if you're curious.
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