Developed By: Turn 10/Playground Games
Published by: Microsoft Game Studios
Date of Release: September 25, 2018
Price: $59.99
When it comes to racing games lately, it would seem that Turn 10 studios is leading the charge. The Forza Motorsport series has yet to miss a beat, and with this latest installment in their open world arcade racing franchise, Forza Horizon 4, they show no signs of slowing down any time soon. This time the Land Down Under has been traded in for the United Kingdom, with a brand new seasonal system to boot.

With Forza Horizon 4 on Windows 10 the first thing that stands out is how much nicer it is to play it at a steady 60FPS in 4K. If you play on a standard Xbox One or Xbox One S, you're stuck with 1080p30. On an Xbox One X, you can get 60fps, however you will be limited to 1080p. 4K is locked at 30fps even with the extra horsepower of the X. However on a decent PC (I ran it on an i5 8600k, 16gb ram, and GTX 1070Ti) you'll have no problem hitting 60fps. All the expected accoutrements are present such as impulse trigger rumble on the Xbox One controller, and support for racing wheels. The handling of each car is as always superb, and the variety will keep you from getting bored. The open world gameplay is as amazing as ever, and the story will keep you coming back for more, if you haven't already been hooked by the action.

When it comes right down to it, Forza Horizon 4 takes all the best parts of the previous entries in the series, and just piles a lot more goodness on the top. It's not so much amazingly innovative, just more of an amazingly good thing. The graphical tuning options on the PC version are well thought out, and will let you optimize the game for just about any PC imaginable, as long as you're not rocking a potato. Forza Horizon 4 fills the gap left unfilled lately in the PC racing scene, what with Need For Speed and the like being a mere shadow of their former selves. If you want an epic racing experience with a metric crapton of content, go for Forza Horizon 4.