Developed By: Studio Saizensen
Published By: Degica
Date of Release: April 14, 2016
Price: $14.99
When it comes to sidescrolling beat-em-ups, one game tends to stand above them all when it comes to fame, and that game is Guardian Heroes. Long held as the Crown prince of the genre, its status has never been challenged... until now. Here comes Code of Princess! A bodaciously bouncy busty babe bearing a badass blade, Princess Solange Blanchefleur de Lux has arrived on the scene to save the world! Taking definite inspiration from the classic beat-em-ups of yore, Code of Princess explodes onto the PC scene with classic gameplay that should satisfy anyone who ever enjoyed Guardian Heroes or Princess Crown. Everything that fans of the genre crave is present here, from excellent hit detection to intricately balanced mechanics.

Code of Princess manages to strike the right balance between oldschool classic and modern masterpiece, with gorgeously detailed and well-animated sprites filling the screen at every possible moment, and lush rendered backdrops. The soundtrack is wonderfully varied as well, ranging from dramatic orchestral style pieces to smooth jazz, and even a bit of rock thrown in the mix. My only complaint with this PC port (it originally was released on the 3DS) is that the graphics options are lacking besides fullscreen and vsync modes. The controls at least are fully remappable, so that's a plus. Achievements have been added to round out the package, so there's also something there for those of us who enjoy hunting down every last one.

With all that Code of Princess has to offer, gamers are sure to get hours of enjoyment out of the campaign. However if that isn't enough, you can also play co-op online with up to 4 players! The online play is smooth and lag-free, and the more members you have in your party the more fun and chaos it adds to the to experience. With well-rounded characters, perfect graphics, wonderful sound, Code of Princess is definitely the full package for those who want a decent sidescrolling brawler on the PC. So hurry up and get on Steam to get yourself a copy!